Revision 4 as of 2010-12-21 17:29:21

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Using uncrustify to fix code layout

We use uncrustify with a Fast Downward configuration file (.uncrustify.cfg in the repository root) to enforce some of our formatting conventions. If a source file is properly formatted, applying uncrustify should be an idempotent operation (i.e., result in an identical file). This is important so that we can verify our style rules automatically, at least for those rules which uncrustify can handle.

Not all aspects of source layout are handled by uncrustify, so please still pay attention to our ../Whitespace rules and other ../CodingConventions.

Mercurial "uncrustify" extension

The repository contains a Mercurial extension (in file misc/ that provides the new command

hg uncrustify

to automatically run uncrustify with the correct settings on your working directory.

Using the extension


hg uncrustify
hg uncrustify .
hg uncrustify --diff bar/ foo
hg uncrustify --modify foo
hg uncrustify --modify --no-backup foo

In order, these do the following:

For more details, run

hg help uncrustify

Setting up the extension

/!\ Warning: Mercurial extensions can execute arbitrary code on your machine. If you don't trust everyone with write access to whatever repository you grabbed from, don't use it.

/!\ The extension may not be compatible with older versions of Mercurial and/or uncrustify, e.g. the versions currently in the Ubuntu 10.04 repository. Instructions for easily installing a more recent version of Mercurial on Ubuntu can be found here. uncrustify is easy to compile and install from source.

First of all, you will need uncrustify itself. On Ubuntu, install it with

sudo apt-get install uncrustify

To set up the actual extension, add the following lines to your hgrc:

uncrustify = FULL_PATH_TO/

uncrustify = uncrustify -X re:^src/bugs -X re:^src/VAL

where FULL_PATH_TO/ is the full path to the file (absolute, but may use ~ expansion). Alternatively, install in some directory on your PYTHONPATH and write

uncrustify =

in your hgrc instead of providing the full path to the source file.

The alias section above is optional. It makes hg uncrustify ignore the src/bugs and src/VAL directories which do not need to be uncrustified.