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Option Syntax

The configuration syntax changed slightly in April 2011.

Meaning of the call syntax documentation

All parameters can be specified by keyword or by position. Once a parameter is specified by keyword, the rest of the parameters must be specified by keyword too. Some parameters have default values and are optional. These parameters are documented in the form keyword = defaultvalue.

Consider the following example:

name(p, qs, r, s=v1, t=Enum1)

Parameters p, qs and r are mandatory. qs is a list parameter. List parameters have to be enclosed in square brackets. An exception are single-element lists, where the brackets can be dropped. For example, let h1, h2, h3 be heuristic specifications, then [h1, h3], [h2] and h2 are examples for a list of heuristic specifications.

Parameters s and t are optional. s has the default value v1 and t the default value Enum1. t is an enumeration parameter and can only take the values listed (here Enum0, Enum1, Enum2). These values may also be passed by number, e.g. here t=Enum1 and t=1 are equivalent.

Some possible calls for this specification (with X and Xi having type_x):



List arguments have to be enclosed in square brackets now. E.g.,

./downward --heuristic "hff=ff()" --heuristic "hcea=cea()" \
            --search "lazy_greedy([hff, hcea], preferred=[hff, hcea])" \
            < output

instead of

./downward --heuristic "hff=ff()" --heuristic "hcea=cea()" \
            --search "lazy_greedy(hff, hcea, preferred=(hff, hcea))" \
            < output

Single element lists can be given without any brackets, e.g.

./downward --heuristic "hff=ff()" \
            --search "lazy_greedy(hff, preferred=hff)" \
            < output


Enumeration arguments can now be specified by name or by number (previously only by number), e.g.

selmax([h1,h2], classifier=AODE)


selmax([h1,h2], classifier=1)

are equivalent. To get enumeration names (and more), run

./downward --help [Name]   //e.g. with Name=selmax


./downward --help [Name]

Re-using predefined heuristics

Often a heuristic instance should be used for several purposes. The most prevalent use case is a heuristic that is used for both the heuristic estimates and for its preferred operators.

In this case, one should predefine the heuristic using the search option --heuristic (see PlannerUsage#search).

Predefining a heuristic

Standard case
