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Alternation open list

alternates between several open lists.

alt(sublists, boost=0)

Epsilon-greedy open list

Chooses an entry uniformly randomly with probability 'epsilon', otherwise it returns the minimum entry. The algorithm is based on

epsilon_greedy(eval, pref_only=false, epsilon=0.2, random_seed=-1)

Pareto open list

Selects one of the Pareto-optimal (regarding the sub-evaluators) entries for removal.

pareto(evals, pref_only=false, state_uniform_selection=false, random_seed=-1)

Standard open list

Standard open list that uses a single evaluator

single(eval, pref_only=false)

Tie-breaking open list

tiebreaking(evals, pref_only=false, unsafe_pruning=true)

Type-based open list

Uses multiple evaluators to assign entries to buckets. All entries in a bucket have the same evaluator values. When retrieving an entry, a bucket is chosen uniformly at random and one of the contained entries is selected uniformly randomly. The algorithm is based on

type_based(evaluators, random_seed=-1)